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In 2024, free IT Certifications have become harder to find. However, for those who know where to look, there’s still a treasure trove of free certifications available online for mastering software development. In this article, we’ve curated a comprehensive list of all the free certificates and badges scattered across the internet. Collectively, the platforms featured…
General DevOps Concepts DevOps Tools and Technologies Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Containers and Orchestration Monitoring and Security Miscellaneous Views: 5,533
DevOps, autrefois vu comme la solution aux problèmes organisationnels, pose maintenant des défis. Beaucoup d’équipes se retrouvent à gérer des tâches opérationnelles qu’elles n’ont jamais souhaité faire. Pour résoudre cela, l’ingénierie des plateformes émerge comme une façon de séparer les opérations du développement d’applications, permettant à chacun de se concentrer sur ce qu’il fait le…
المقدمة في المقال هذا، بش نحكيو على CQRS وMediator Pattern، شنو العلاقة بينهم وعلاش نستعملوهم. CQRS هو Architectural Pattern يستعمل باش نفصل عمليات القراءة (Read) على عمليات الكتابة (Write). الاسم اختصار لـ Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. والمصطلح Segregation يعني الفصل بين المسؤوليات، يعني في الحالة هذي، الـ CQRS يفصل بين قراءة البيانات وكتابتها. خلينا…
في تطبيقات .NET الكبيرة والمعقدة، بنحتاج في كثير من الأحيان أن الـ (objects) تعتمد على بعضها البعض، مما يعقد عملية الصيانة والاختبار. المقدمة في تطبيقات .NET الكبيرة والمعقدة، بنحتاج في كثير من الأحيان أن الـ (objects) تعتمد على بعضها البعض، مما يعقد عملية الصيانة والاختبار. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان لديك (Service) تعتمد على (Interfaces)…
As modern apps grow more complex, the tools and patterns we use to build them need to evolve too. With microservices, cloud-native architectures, and an explosion of client devices—web, mobile, IoT, you name it—developers face the challenge of delivering fast, secure, and tailored user experiences. Enter Backend for Frontend (BFF), an architecture pattern designed to…
In multi-user environments, maintaining data consistency and integrity is paramount. Locks play a crucial role in preventing simultaneous modifications that could lead to inconsistencies. Two widely used strategies for managing concurrency are pessimistic locking and optimistic locking. Understanding their differences, benefits, and trade-offs is essential for designing robust systems. What Are Locks, and Why Are…
To advance from a Junior Developer and build scalable applications or pass system design interviews, one must understand 20 essential system design concepts related to networking, API patterns, databases, and more. Topics cover vertical vs. horizontal scaling, the use of load balancers and CDNs, caching mechanisms, and communication protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS, and WebSockets. Additional…
Mes livres d’architecture logicielle préférés, livres blancs, blogs d’ingénierie et cours pour les développeurs et architectes logiciels expérimentés. Devenir un architecte logiciel qualifié est un voyage à la fois d’apprentissage et de pratique. Pour les développeurs expérimentés, la transition vers un rôle d’architecte logiciel nécessite une compréhension approfondie de la conception logicielle , de l’architecture système et de la…
Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, is on the verge of hitting the $100,000 milestone—a feat that underscores its explosive growth and evolving role in global finance. With a staggering 160% increase in value this year, the digital asset is drawing renewed attention from governments, institutions, and individual investors alike. But is this milestone a sign…